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Logistics Companies and Transportation

The close interdependence between the economy and territory, highlighted with reference to the organization and the productive use of district resources, featured in a very clear development trends of the tertiary sector. In particular, services related to production has been fully invested by the processes of economic globalization, entering directly into more open and competitive markets and having to adapt to changes imposed by the dynamics of internationalization of enterprises. The genesis of much of the regional service sector is in fact linked to the outsourcing of business functions and models of cooperative division of labor typical of the districts. Logistics asssume thus a decisive role in keeping business system competitive and certainly are growing intelligence and competence in logistics industry, which are only partly appropriate responses in the current organization of transport systems.

Logistics Companies,Logistics Transportation,Logistics Industry,Logistics Company,Transport Logistics
The study reveals some of the modern planning issues interlinked, the principal of which may be represented by the need to equip the territory to enter into international networks, enhance their level of specialization and features, ensuring the maintenance of local identity. If the true feature of globalization is the exchange constant, the movement of goods and information promoted by the trivialization of transport costs, could then ensue, in some cases, a difference of emphasis, not an approval or indifference to the location.

Ratio-business territory to be questioned today businesses tend to de-territorialization, to live in multiple territories, putting them in competition. In a sense, the territory does not "own" most firms, equally, the territory can no longer rely solely on businesses that are born locally to cover the investment required to compete in international networks. Each area must address the problem of attracting businesses that have no experience in that area, but it captures originality, differences distinguishing factors, opportunities for establishment of high profitability.

In this new context take on the strategic importance of "interstitial spaces", ie nodes that can occur bottlenecks and inefficiencies in the fluidity of tangible and intangible flows (port and airport infrastructure, logistics Company platforms, roads, railways and related infrastructure on time, computer nodes ). Intermodality is the focus of supply chain increasingly articulated and complex processes and behaviors that require efficient and more integrated, especially with regard to services and infrastructure.

The future of the territories on a regional scale will therefore be based on planning, programming and planning of infrastructure and services, that is systemic and intangible networks for sustainable development of geo-economic regions are characterized by distinctive factors.